Orchestrating the on-time arrival of the guest’s food is one of the most complicated responsibilities of a server. To do so, we must make sure the table is properly cleared and reset for the next course which can be difficult if the people seated at the table aren’t focused on the act of eating. If you don’t finish your food in a timely manner, the chef with anger-management issues will usually blame your server for it. One of the biggest impediments to the natural progression of the meal is what we call “The Polite Bite.” This phenomenon usually occurs when the last bite of food on a dish shared by the table is left unfinished because no one wants to be perceived as greedy. As a result, the Polite Bite will sit on the table decomposing while the staff struggles to determine whether the next course of the meal may be safely fired. The server will usually have to impose himself with an attempt to clear the table to speed things along. Most of the time, a guest will say “C’mon someone has to finish that last bite!” As long as the standoff continues, your next course will sit under a heat lamp until the table is finally cleared. It will help your restaurant experiences flow more smoothly if you can train yourself to be more sensitive to the dynamics that are going on around you. You came to this restaurant to eat dinner. So, eat!! It’s perfectly acceptable to have an immersive conversation but pay attention to the staff’s efforts to choreograph your meal. Do your part by eating your food, and we’ll do our part by serving it.
Tag: “Tips”
Show Off, Party Of Two?
Never attempt to impress your waiter with your knowledge of food and wine. We are there to help facilitate your dining experience and make you feel more comfortable but we should not be expected to boost your ego. When we drop your black spaghetti, for example, don’t rhetorically ask, “Is the pasta dyed with Squid Ink??” Of course it is. You’re so smart. How did you know that? Most waiters wait tables because they don’t want to have any emotional attachment to their job. We are paid to be nice to you not to be your friend. Go on, tell a story about how you went cross-country skiing in the Alps and drank Gewürztraminer on the Rhine. We will smile and nod but only to avoid jeopardizing our tip by offending you. Many servers know more than you do about food and wine so don’t risk embarrassing yourself by mispronouncing things like Fer-NAY Branca or Mo-AY & Chandon. Spare the server your diatribes about wine and offer him a glass. We promise, then, he’ll be your best friend.